5 Tips for Online Dance Classes
As most of us are amid statewide shutdowns, I thought I would share some tips on taking online dance classes. We are so lucky that we have the technology to continue to do the things we love while staying home to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These tips can be used whether you have already been taking classes online or if it is new to you. While there are pros and cons to taking a class online, the biggest take away is that dancers can adapt and make the best out of a difficult situation.
1. Space- Ideally, you want to find a large open space in your home. Sometimes this can be tricky, especially if you live in an apartment or with other people, but you can be creative with it. Maybe a front or back porch would work. A living room space can work if you slide furniture out of the way. It is also helpful if you can find a quiet place where there will be little distraction. If the rest of your family or roommates are doing their activities in the living room, it will not be an ideal place to take your online dance class. If it is nice outside and your WIFI reaches, consider taking the class outside.
Think about flooring; carpet is not as ideal as the padding can cause you to have to compensate while you are dancing. If you have an area with a wood floor that has some give, that would be best. If your budget allows, a small portable dance floor can also be a great solution to cement floors that can be hard on the joints. If the only space available is cement or a hard floor, consider modifying as necessary.
2. Dress- If you look like a dancer, you will feel like a dancer. It can be easy to slack on your dress code while taking classes online. If you typically wear a uniform to your in-studio dance classes, consider wearing that uniform to your online classes. Or maybe have some fun wearing a different color leotard you don’t usually get to wear to class. Wearing baggy sweats and T-shirts does not allow your teacher to see your alignment and give corrections. Hair should still be worn securely away from the face. It can be a distraction while you are taking a class and can get in the way of executing the steps correctly. Remember that it is still a dance class, and you want to get the most out of your time in the class. Dressing the part will help you achieve your goals.
3. Footwear- It is essential to wear proper footwear. Trying to take your dance class in socks on the wood floor in your home could cause you to slip and injure yourself. If you are taking a tap class, consider putting a scrap piece of plywood or a tap board down to protect the floors in your home. If you are dancing on a hard surface, consider wearing Apolla Shocks to help protect your joints. If your dress code only allows for particular shoes, the Shocks may be something that you use when taking online classes in your home.
4. Camera Placement- When taking live online classes, try to position your camera so the instructor can see your whole body. While this may not be possible in your space, the more the teacher can see you, the more able they will be to give you corrections.
5. Attitude- Our current situation is a massive change for many people. It is easy to think of all the negative. However, if your mind is not open to learning online, the experience may not be a good one. Try to think of all of the positives in your life, and all that you have to be grateful for. One thing is that you are still able to take dance classes. It may not be your ideal space or format, but it is still a place for you to learn, grow, move, and enjoy!
I hope that these tips will help dance students enjoy online classes. This situation is indeed a challenge that will help you develop as a person and a dancer. Accept the challenge and rise above it.
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